Sponsored Challenges

Sponsored Challenges

Want to use Trenara to raise awareness for your brand? No problem.With in-app challenges, we motivate our users to keep running. These challenges can also function as a marketing tool: with a sponsored challenge you as a brand build visibility and loyalty. And thanks to our ‘featured’ option, you’re immediately ‘top of mind’.

Want to use Trenara to raise awareness for your brand? No problem.With in-app challenges, we motivate our users to keep running. These challenges can also function as a marketing tool: with a sponsored challenge you as a brand build visibility and loyalty. And thanks to our ‘featured’ option, you’re immediately ‘top of mind’.

How Sponsored Challenges work

The basics are simple: choose a time or a distance goal and determine the duration of your challenge.

Provide a description and a logo/medal. That’s all!
Optionally you can choose to ‘feature’ your Challenge so that it is permanently displayed in our dashboard or to announce the challenge via our mailing list.

In addition, you as a sponsor are of course also free to raffle some prizes or discounts among the participants.

What do I get in return?

Visibility, a lot of visibility. Because your challenge is not only published in the app when it runs, participants also see the digital medal permanently in their medal cabinet and can share it on social media.

Interaction. Make it a fun one and the participants will surely find their way to your website with the button that is published on the challenges’ page.

How much does it cost?

A basic challenge runs over 2 weeks: it is announced 1 week in advance and users are given 1 week to achieve the goal. Such a challenge sits at 1150 euro*.

An additional cost is attributed when we play with duration, whether the challenge is featured or not, backed by a blog post or when the challenge is introduced through our mailing list. In other words, customization is no problem!


Please feel free to contact us!

Schuttersgang 7
3700 Tongeren


* the price of a challenge is determined based on the number of active users. These prices are evaluated quarterly, in order to maintain a stable CPM. Current price based on Q1 2024.